Sunday January 12 2025, Athens Greece

Publications of Dimitri Kitsikis
(Articles are not included)

1. Propagande et pressions en politique internationale. La Grèce et ses revendications à la Conférence de la Paix, 1919-1920 – Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.

2. Yunan propagandası –İstanbul, Meydan Neşriyat, 1964. (2η ἔκδοση : İstanbul, Kaynak Kitaplar,1974)

3. « La Grèce électorale »,  στό  ὑπό  τήν ἐπιμέλεια  τῶν  Stein Rokkan  καί  Jean Meyriat, International Guide to Electoral Statistics, Paris, Mouton, 1969.

4. « La question chypriote », Encyclopaedia Universalis – Paris, vol.4, 1969.

5. « De la Grèce byzantine à la Grèce contemporaine », Encyclopaedia Universalis – Paris, vol. 7, 1970.

6. « Information et Décision. La Grèce face à l’invasion allemande dans les Balkans, 1940-1941», στό La Guerre en Méditerranée – Paris, Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, 1971.

7. « Nationalisme dans les Balkans : Etude comparée des révolutions turque de 1908 et grecque de 1909 », The Canadian Historical Association. Historical Papers 1971.

8. Le rôle des experts à la Conférence de la Paix. Gestation d’une technocratie en politique internationale - Ottawa, Editions de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1972.

9. « Evolution de l’élite politique grecque », στό  ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια  τῆς M. B. Kiray, Social Stratification and Development in the Mediterranean Basin –Paris and The Hague, Mouton, 1973.

10. Ἡ Ἑλλάς  τῆς 4ης Αὐγούστου καί αἱ Μεγάλαι Δυνάμεις. Τά ἀρχεῖα τοῦ  Ἑλληνικοῦ Ὑπουργείου Ἐξωτερικῶν, 1936-1941 - Ἀθήνα,Ἴκαρος, 1974. (2η ἔκδοση : Ἀθήνα, Ἐλεύθερη Σκέψις, 1990).

11. « Greece », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ Kenneth E. Naylor, Balkanistica – Ann Arbor, Slavica Publishers, 1974.

12. « Eleuthère Vénizélos »,  στό  ὑπό  τήν  ἐπιμέλεια  τοῦ    καθηγητοῦ  στήν    Σορβόννη  François Crouzet, Hommes d’Etat célèbres – Paris, Editions Mazenod, 5ος τόμος, 1975.

13. Omphalos, Poème – Paris, Pierre Jean Oswald, 1977. 

14. Ἑλλάς καί ξένοι, 1919-1967. Ἀπό τά ἀρχεῖα τοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ Ὑπουργείου Ἐξωτερικῶν - Ἀθήνα, Ἑστία, 1977.

15. Συγκριτική Ἱστορία Ἑλλάδος καί Τουρκίας στόν 20ό αἰῶνα - Ἀθήνα, Ἑστία, 1978. (2η ἔκδοση συμπληρωμένη : Ἑστία, 1990. 3η ἔκδοση: Ἑστία, 1998, 357).

16. « Grande Idée et hellénoturquisme. Essai d’interprétation nouvelle de l’histoire néo-grecque », Actes du IIe Congrès international des Etudes du Sud-Est européen, 1970 – Athènes, Association internationale des Etudes du Sud-Est européen, 1978, tome III.

17. Ὀμφαλός, Ποίημα - Ἀθήνα, Κέδρος, 1979.

18. « Greece : Communism  in  a  Non-Western  Setting »,  στό  ὑπό  τήν  ἐπιμέλεια  τοῦ  D. E. Albright, Communism  and Political Systems in Western Europe – Boulder (Colorado), Westview Press, 1979, XXII.

19. Yırmı Asırda Karşılaştırmalı Türk-Yunan Tarihi – İstanbul, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisi, II-8, 1980. ( Τουρκοελληνική Συγκριτική Ἱστορία στόν Κ' αἰῶνα).

20. Ἱστορία τοῦ ἑλληνοτουρκικοῦ χώρου ἀπό τόν Ἐ. Βενιζέλο στόν Γ. Παπαδόπουλο, 1928-1973 - Ἀθήνα, Ἑστία, 1981. (2η ἔκδοση συμπληρωμένη : Ἑστία, 1995. 3η ἔκδοση: Ἑστία, 2014).

21. « The Turkish-Greek War, 1919-1922, in World Perspective », International Conference on Ataturk. Proceedings  - Vol. 2, doc.43, Istanbul, Bogaziçi University Press, 1981.

22. « Bulgaria  in  Balkan  History  between  the Two  World  Wars » , Pervi  Mejdunaroden Kongres po Bulgaristika Dokladi (Πρῶτο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Βουλγαρικῶν Σπουδῶν), Σόφια, Βουλγαρική Ἀκαδημία Ἐπιστημῶν, 1982.

23. L’ Orocc, dans l’âge de Kali. Poème – Sherbrooke (Québec), Naaman, 1985, εἰκονογραφημένο.

24. "Ὁ θεῖος Ἀλέκος", στὸ: Ἀλέκος Κοντόπουλος. Σχέδια -Ἀθήνα, 1985.

25. L’Empire ottoman – Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1985. (Συλλογή « Que sais-je ? », ἀριθ. 2222). 2η ἔκδ. 1991. 3η ἔκδ. 1994.

26. « L’espace ottoman dans l’esprit de Charles de Moüy, dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ H. Batu, L’Empire ottoman, la République de Turquie et la France – Paris - Istanbul, Isis, 1986.

27. « Κύπρος 1955-1959 : Τριτοκοσμική συνειδητοποίηση καί ἐπιπτώσεις ἐπί τῆς Ἑλλάδος », Ἑταιρεία Κυπριακῶν Σπουδῶν. Πρακτικά Β' Διεθνοῦς Κυπριολογικοῦ Συνεδρίου - 3ος τόμος, Λευκωσία, 1987.

28. Greek  Synthetic  Thought. An  Opposition  to  Western  Divisive  Thought  of  the Renaissance – San Francisco, Bhaktivedanta Institute, 1988.

29. Ἱστορία τῆς Ὀθωμανικῆς Αὐτοκρατορίας, 1280-1924 - Ἀθήνα, Ἑστία, 1988, 244 σελίδες (2η ἔκδ., 1989, 3η ἔκδ. ἐπηυξημένη, 1996, 4η ἔκδ., 2003,5η ἔκδοση, 2014, 316 σελίδες)

30. « Populism, Eurocommunism and the Communist Party of Greece », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ M. Waller, Communist Parties in Western Europe – Oxford, Blackwell, 1988.

31. « Le degré de puissance de l’Empire ottoman, au cours de la première guerre mondiale», στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ J.-C. Allain, La  Moyenne  Puissance  au XXe siècle – Paris, Institut d’Histoire
des Conflits contemporains, 1988.

32. El Imperio otomano – México, Fondo de Cultura Econόmica, 1989.

33. Ὁ Ἄνδυς στόν καιρό τῆς Καλῆς. Ποίημα - Ἀθήνα, Ἑστία, 1989. (Εἰκονογράφηση Γεωργίας Καμπάνη).

34. « Les Turcs et la mer Egée : essai de géohistoire »,  στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ J. Thobie, Turquie, Moyen-Orient, Communauté européenne – Paris, L’Harmattan, 1989.

35. « Dimitri Kitsikis, œuvre poétique », sous la direction de H.Bouraoui et J.Flamand, Ecriture franco-ontarienne d’aujourd’hui – Ottawa, Les Editions du Vermillon, 1989.

36. «Parole de poète», dans Parole d'aujourd'hui, Ottawa, Les Éditions de l'Association des Auteurs de l,Ontario, 1989.

37. Ἡ τρίτη ἰδεολογία καί ἡ Ὀρθοδοξία - Ἀθήνα, Ἀκρίτας, 1990. (2η ἔκδοση, Ἑστία, 1998).

38. «Ὀθωμανική Αὐτοκρατορία», καί «Τουρκία», Παγκόσμια Ἱστορία - Ἀθήνα, τόμος Β' , Ἐκδοτική Ἀθηνῶν, 1990.

39. Le paradis perdu sur les barricades. Poème – Athènes, Akritas, 1993. (Εἰκονογράφηση τῆς Τούρκισσας ζωγράφου  Mürşide İçmeli).                             

40. «The Spreading  of  Western  Satanism  in  Islamic  and  Orthodox  Societies »,  First International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam 1990, Athens – Tehran, Iran, Center for International Cultural Studies, 1994.

41. «Les anciens calendaristes, depuis 1923, et la montée de l’intégrisme en Grèce» στὸ ὑπὸ τὴν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ P.Y. Péchoux, Grèce : identités, territoires, voisinages, modernisations, εἰδικὸ τεῦχος τῶν CEMOTI, ἀρ. 17, 1994.

42.  « Le concept de relations internationales et le service diplomatique ottoman au XXe siècle », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ Amy Singer, Aspects of Ottoman History – Jerusalem, The Hebrew University - Magnes Press, 1994.

43. The Old Calendarists and the Rise of Religious Conservatism in Greece – Etna, California, Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1995.

44.  « Faith  as  Seen by Jean-Jacques Rousseau  and its Impact on Westernized Third World Societies », Second International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam 1992, Athens – Tehran, Iran, Center for International Cultural Studies, 1995.

45. « Alevism as a Link between Orthodoxy and Islam », Third  International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam 1994, Tehran – Tehran, Iran, Center for Internationl Cultural Studies, 1995, IV-97 

46. Πτώση. Ποίημα - Ἀθήνα, Ἀκρίτας, 1996. (Εἰκονογράφηση Γεωργίας Καμπάνη).

47. O Império otomano – Porto, Portugal, Rés Editora, 1996.

48. « Ἡ εὐρωπαϊκή σκέψη τοῦ Παναγιώτη Κανελλόπουλου », Νέα Ἑστία. Ἀφιέρωμα στόν Παναγιώτη Κανελλόπουλο, 1902-1986  - Ἀθήνα, Ἑστία, 1996.

49. Türk-Yunan İmparatorluğu. Arabölge gerçeği ışığında Osmanlı Tarihine bakış – İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 1996, 1st & 2nd ed. (Τουρκοελληνική Αὐτοκρατορία. Μία ἐξέταση τῆς ὀθωμανικῆς ἱστορίας ὑπό τό πρῖσμα τῆς Ἐνδιάμεσης Περιοχῆς).

50. Ἐνδιάμεση Περιοχή - Τριμηνιαῖο περιοδικό πού ἐκδίδεται καί διευθύνεται ἀπό τόν Δημήτρη Κιτσίκη, ἀπό τό φθινόπωρο τοῦ 1996.

51. Osmanlijsko carstvo – Βελιγράδι, Γιουγκοσλαυΐα, Ἐκδόσεις Πλάτων, 1998.

52. « Ἐνδιάμεση Περιοχή καί Ἑλληνισμός : ἀνθρωπογένεση καί ἀνθρωποσυντέλεια », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ Ἀνάστου Δημητροπούλου, Πρακτικά τοῦ Β' Παγκοσμίου Πανηλειακοῦ Συνεδρίου – Ἀρχαία Ὀλυμπία, 1998.

53. « Δημήτρης Κιτσίκης, Λέσβιος ποιητής », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ Κώστα Γ. Μισσίου Ἀνθολόγιο Λεσβίων ποιητῶν - Μυτιλήνη, 1998, τόμος δέκατος.

54. «Oeuvre poétique de Dimitri Kitsikis», dans Dictionnaire des citations littéraires de l'Ontario français depuis 1960, par M. & P. Karch - Ottawa, Éditions de l'Interligne, 1996.

55. Georgette Kambani, Poèmes, peintures, symboles. Présentation de Dimitri Kitsikis -Ottawa, Les Éditions du Vermillon, 1998.

56. Georgette Kambani. Ποιητικὴ καὶ εἰκαστικὴ ἀνθολογία. Διάλογος ποίησης καὶ ζωγραφικῆς -Μὲ τὴν συνεργασία τοῦ Δημήτρη Κιτσίκη - Athens, Editor Kostas Spanos, 2006., 2006.

57. « The  Intermediate  Region : A Common  Civilization  between the Adriatic  Sea and the Indus River », Dialogue of Civilizations ? – Tehran, Iran, 1999.

58. « Multiculturalism  in  the  Ottoman  Empire  :  The  Alevi  Religious  and  Cultural  Community », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τῶν Pierre Savard καί Brunello Vigezzi, Multiculturalism and the History of International Relations from the 18th Century up to the Present – Milano, Editioni Unicopli & Les Presses de l’ Université d’ Ottawa, 1999.

59. « Women in Christian and Muslim Families », Woman and Family in Christian Orthodoxy and Islam - (Fourth International Congress on Orthodoxy and Islam, Athens, 1997) – Athens, Publications of the Greek Iranian League, 1999.

60. « Géopolitique de la Région intermédiaire », Société Royale du Canada. Académie des Lettres et des Sciences humaines. Présentations – Ottawa, vol.52, 1999.

61. Osmanskata Imperija - Σόφια, Βουλγαρία, Ἐκδόσεις Κάμα, 2000.

62. « Ἡ Ἐνδιάμεση Περιοχή », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ Κ. Κούρου, Γεωπολιτική καί Ἑλλάδα – Ἀθήνα, Ἔσοπτρον, 2001.

63. Τό Βυζαντινό πρότυπο διακυβερνήσεως καί τό τέλος τοῦ κοινοβουλευτισμοῦ, Ἀθήνα, Ἔσοπτρον, 2001.

64. « La structure politico-religieuse de la synallélie, en tant qu’antithèse du système occidental », στό ὑπό τήν ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ Jean-Pierre Wallot, Constructions identitaires et pratiques sociales – Ottawa, Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2002.

65. Pour une Etude scientifique du fascisme – Nantes, Ars Magna Editions, (Les Documents), 2005. 

66. Jean-Jacques Rousseau et les origines françaises du fascisme – Nantes, Ars Magna Editions, (Les Documents), 2006.

67. Le national-bolchevisme – Nantes, Ars Magna Editions, (Les Documents), 2006. 

68. На перекрестке цивилизаций: Поль Лемерль, История Византии. Димитрис Кицикис, Османская империя. Весь Мир, 2006 г. - Na perekrestke tsivilizatsiy : Istorija Vizantii- Osmanskaja Imperija (Paul Lemerle-Δ.Κιτσίκης) – Μόσχα, Ἐκδόσεις Ves Mir, 2006. (Στὸ σταυροδρόμι πολιτισμῶν: Βυζαντινὴ Ἱστορία - Ὀθωμανικὴ Αὐτοκρατορία).

69. Ἡ σημασία τοῦ μπεκτασισμοῦ-ἀλεβισμοῦ γιὰ τὸν ἑλληνισμό -Ἀθήνα, Ἑκάτη, 2006.

70. Συγκριτικὴ Ἱστορία Ἑλλάδος-Κίνας ἀπὸ τὴν ἀρχαιότητα μέχρι σήμερα - Ἀθήνα, Ἐκδόσεις Ἡρόδοτος, 2007.

71. «Anti-Atatürk: A Psychological Portrait of Stergiades, “Dictator of Ionia” in 1919-1922, the Greek that failed to Conquer Turkey» , Πρακτικὰ Β΄ Διεθνοῦς Συνεδρίου Ἀνατολικῶν καὶ Ἀφρικανικῶν Σπουδῶν, Γαστούνη, 2007.

72. La montée du national-bolchevisme dans les Balkans. Le retour à la Serbie de 1830 – Paris, Avatar Editions, 2008.

73. « Introduction : Beauté du mal », dans Jacques Flamand, Décombres de la beauté, Ottawa, Editions du Vermillon, 2008.

74. « Rumi, the Spirit of the Intermediate Region » in Symposium on Mevlana Celaleddin-Rumi and Intercultural and Civilization Dialogue-Proceedings, Toronto, Canadian Intercultural Dialogue Centre, 2008.

75. « Ἀριστείδης Στεργιάδης » στὸ Τὸ κτίριο Γερωνυμάκη-Στεργιάδη στὴ συνοικία Σουλτὰν Ἰμπραΐμ, Ἡράκλειο, Κρήτη, ΤΕΕ/ΤΑΚ, 2008 (illustrated).

76. « Stergiades: l’homme d’une mission impossible, 1919-1922 », in Aux vents des puissances (Jean-Marc Delaunay, éd), Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2008.

77. « Foreword », in Misbah Islam, Decline of Muslim States and Societies, Philadelphia, Xlibris, 2008.

78. « Ottomanism and Fethullah Gülen: From Utopia to Reality », in Dreaming for a Better World. Contributions of the Gulen Movement, Ottawa, Carleton University, Intercultural Dialogue Institute, 2009.

79. « Grèce. Le Synaspismos tiraillé entre social-démocratie et anarchisme » in "Les gauches radicales", Grande Europe, no. 16, janvier 2010, la Documentation française (special issue).

80. Ἐθνικομπολσεβικισμός. Πέραν τοῦ φασισμοῦ καὶ τοῦ κομμουνισμοῦ. Ἡ ἐπιρροή του στὰ Βαλκάνια - Ἀθἠνα, Ἑλληνικὴ Ἄνοδος, 2010.

81. Géopoliticien: Dimitri Kitsikis, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alexandre Dougine, Paul Vidal de la Blache, Immanuel Wallerstein, Robert D. Kaplan - Livres Groupe, Books LLC, 2010 (Français).- Geopoliticians: Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, Karl Haushofer, Sven Hedin, George F. Kennan, Dimitri Kitsikis - Books LLC, 2010 (English)

82. « Foreword », in Kemal Karpat & Yetkin Yıdırım eds, The Ottoman Mosaic: Exploring models for Peace by re-Exploring the Past, Seattle, Cune Press, 2010.

83. Saint Nicodemos the Hagiorite - Christian Morality - Belmont, Massachusetts, Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2012. (Contribution to the translation)

84. Greek Poets: Dimitri Kitsikis & al. - LLC Books, no date.

85. "Ἡ μαχομένη ἱστορικὴ λογοτεχνία στὸν Μεσοπόλεμο: ἀπὸ τὸν Δημήτρη Γληνό, στὸν Γιάννη Κορδᾶτο καὶ τὸν τὸν Γιάννη Ζέβγο", edited by Ἀθανάσιος Θ. Φωτόπουλος, Ἡ Νεοελληνικὴ Λογοτεχνία στὸν Μεσοπόλεμο. Ἱστορικὴ καὶ φιλολογικὴ προσέγγιση. (Πρακτικὰ Συνεδρίου, Πύργος Ἠλείας, 14-16 Μαΐου 2010),'Εκδόσεις Ἀναζήτηση, Πύργος Ἠλείας, 2012.

86. "India-Spiritual Planet", in Abstracts of Presentations at the Three-Day International Seminar on the Importance of Early Indian Cultural Heritage in the Making of a Better World, Kolkatta, Indian Museum, 2012.

87. "The Science of Popular Uprisings", edited by Dr. Murat Aktaş, The Arab Uprisings & The Struggle of Soft Powers in the Middle East, Ankara, Nobel, 2012.

88. "Πρόλογος στὴν ἑλληνικὴ ἔκδοση", in Alexander Dugin, ''Ἡ τετάρτη πολιτκὴ θεωρία'', Athens, Ἔσοπτρον, 2013.

89. Περὶ Ἡρώων: Οἱ ἥρωες καὶ ἡ σημασία τους γιὰ τὸν σύγχρονο ἑλληνισμό. -Athens, Herodotos, 2014, 471 pages.

90. "Ottomanism and Fethullah Gülen: From Utopia to Reality", in Peter Barnes & Gregory Baum, ''Conversations on Fethullah Gülen and the Hizmet Movement'', New York & London, Lexington Books, 2016.

91."Πρόλογος Δημήτρη Κιτσίκη", στὸ Ἰμπραχὴμ Ντιζμὰν καὶ Ἀλέκος Παπαδόπουλος, ''Σὰν ἀδέλφια - Ἡ ἀλληλογραφία ἑνὸς Τούρκου διανοούμενου μὲ ἕναν Ῥωμιὸ δημοσιογράφο ἀπὸ τὴν Πόλη'', Athens, Ἑπτάλοφος - Iason Books,2016.

92. "Önsöz Dimitri Kitsikis", in İbrahim Dizman ve Alekos Papadopulos, ''Kardeşim gibi - Eski bir İstanbullu Rumla bir Türkün Mektuplaşmaları'', İstanbul,Heyamola
Yayınları,2.baskı, 2016.

93. "Τουρκία, 1908-2010" [Turkey, 1908-2010], in Χρήστος Αντωνιάδης, editor, ''Βαλκάνια.Η μεγάλη τρικυμία'' [The Balkans. The Great Upheaval], Athens,Kastalia Press, 2018, 556 pages, {{ISBN|9786185279035}}

94. ''Ἡ Ἑλλὰς τῆς 4ης Αὐγούστου καὶ οἱ Μεγάλες Δυνάμεις-Τρίτη ἔκδοσις βελτιωμένη καὶ μὲ προσθῆκες''[Greece of the 4th of August and the Great Powers], Athens, Herodotos Press, 2018, 250 pages, {{ISBN|978-960-485-220-8}}

95. ''Προπαγάνδα καὶ πιέσεις στὴν διεθνῆ πολιτική'' [Propaganda and Lobbies in International Politics]- Athens, Herodotos Press, 2018, 786 pages, {{ISBN|978-960-485-261-1}}

96. ''La Grèce et la Turquie au XXe siècle'' - Éditions Universitaires Européennes, 2019, 410 pages, {{ISBN|978-613-8-43036-0}}

97. ''Διεθνισμὸς καὶ Ἐθνικισμός. Μία εἰσαγωγή'' [Perry Anderson - Internationalism. Dimitri Kitsikis - Le nationalisme], Athens,Exodos,2019,135 pages,{{ISBN| 978-618-84162-3-9}}

98. ''Ἄννεμ-Μάννα: Ἡ μάνα, συμπαντικὴ ἑλληνικὴ γλῶσσα'' [Annem-Manna: The Mother as Universal Greek Language] - Athens,Exodos,2020,179 pages, {{ISBN|978-618-84162-4-6}}

Articles (journals):

Regular contributions to monthly journal Trito Mati (Athens), since 1999 and to quarterly Endiamese Perioche (Athens), since 1996, as well as many scholarly articles in: Revue historique; Revue d'Histoire moderne et contemporaine; Revue d'Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale; Revue française de Science politique; Problems of Communism; Turcica; CEMOTI-Cahiers d'Etudes sur la Méditerranée orientale et le Monde turco-iranien; Social History;  Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire moderne; Informations universitaires en Relations internationales; Aquila; Revue d'Histoire diplomatique; Journal of Oriental and African Studies; Cahiers de Jeune Nation; Journal-Institute of Muslim Minorities Affairs; Diplomatiques; The Patristic and Byzantine Review; Relations internationales; Études internationales; Diplomatie; Ἀρχεῖον Οἰκονομικῶν καὶ Κοινωνικῶν Ἐπιστημῶν, Καινούρια Ἐποχή, Νέα Οἰκονομία, Βιομηχανικὴ Ἐπιθεώρηση, Τεχνικὰ Χρονικά, Πολιτικὴ Οἰκονομικὴ Ἔρευνα, Τότε, Πάντα, Παράδοση, Ἀρχιτεκτονική, Ἐποχές, Νέα Ἑστία, Σύγχρονα Θέματα, Ἑλληνοκινεζικὰ Χρονικά,Τὸ Ἔνζυμο,Τὰ Αἱρετικά,Oluşum,Da-Diyalog Avrasya,Derin Tarih, Orthodox Tradition; Eurasia; The Greek Review of Social Research; Toplum ve Bilim; Aktüel; Moderne Welt-Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen; Grande Europe;Derin Tarih,Gerçek Hayat, Τὰ Αἰρετικά (Documento), Τὸ Ἔνζυμο,and others.

Articles (newspapers): hundreds of them (not included)

French articles in Huffington Post Québec

Public Lectures from 1963 to 1998:

1 La Grèce contemporaine, Maison de la Culture, Caen (France), November 21, 1963.

2 Chypre et les relations gréco turques, Foyer américain, Paris (France), March 5 1964. Public lecture organized by the French Association for the Atlantic Community. (See review of this lecture in Preuves (Informations), Paris, April 28, 1964, p. 4 and in Le Monde, Paris, March 7, 1964, p. 5.)

3  La mécanisation de l'agriculture grecque en fonction de l'évolution des structures agraires,+ Conseil méditerranéen de Recherches en Sciences sociales, General Assembly, Aix en Provence (France), March 9 13, l964.

4  La minorité grecque d'Istanbul et la Turquie actuelle, Hôtel Continental, Paris, May 28, 1964.

5  Les efforts de débalkanisation des Balkans, 1930 1934, Société d'Histoire moderne, Paris, France, December 4, 1966.

6  Evolution de l'élite politique grecque, Conseil méditerranéen de Recherches en Sciences sociales, General Assembly, Hammamet (Tunisia), November 20 25, 1967.

7  Le conflit de Chypre, Office de la Radiodiffusion Télévision française (France Inter), November 29, 1967, Paris, France.

8  La Grèce face à l'invasion allemande dans les Balkans, 13 décembre, 1940  6 avril 194l, Comité d'Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, Paris (France), international symposium, April 8 11, 1969.

9  Histoire de Chypre, Office de la Radiodiffusion Télévision française (France Inter), January 19, 1970, Paris, France.

10  Grande Idée et hellénoturquisme: essai d'interprétation nouvelle de l'histoire néo grecque, Deuxième Congrès de l'association internationale des Études du Sud Est européen, Athens, Greece, May 7 13, 1970.

11  The Nationalism of the Present Greek Regime and its Impact on its Foreign Relations, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), USA, September l0, 1970.

12  Propaganda in the 20th Century, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), USA, September 11, 1970.

13  Le Tsar Alexandre Ier et Woodrow Wilson, ou l'influence de l'homme d'Etat sur les relations internationales, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, February 9, 1971.

14  Nationalisme dans les Balkans. Etude comparée des révolutions turque de 1908 et grecque de l909, The Canadian Historical Association, 50th Annual Meeting Memorial University, St. John's Newfoundland (Canada), May 31  June 4, 1971.

15 Ottoman Relations with the Balkan Nations after 1683, National Conference of the American Association for South Slavic Studies, New York (N.Y.), April 19, 1973.

16  Greek Reaction to the Ottoman Imperial Reform Decree of November 3, 1839, Middle East Studies Association of North America, Milwaukee, November 8, 1973.

17  The Cyprus Question and Hellenoturkism, Modern Greek Studies Association, Columbia University, New York (N.Y.), November 9, 1973.

18  American Destabilization of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, in 1974, Carleton University Panel on Cyprus and Greek - Turkish Relations, Ottawa, 21 October 1974.

19  Les dimensions politiques de l'éducation en Chine, Institut de Coopération Internationale, Ottawa (Canada), January 27, 1975.

20  The Cyprus Question, The American University (sponsored by the International Studies Association), Washington, D.C., USA, February 22, 1975.

21  Education in China, Skyline and Ottawa Cablevision (TV), Ottawa, Canada, April l0 and 11, 1975.

22  Les partis communistes grecs, symposium organized by the Centre Québécois de Relations Internationales, Lac Beauport, Québec, Canada, April 18, 1975.

23  Interpénétration de deux cultures à l'intérieur d'une même civilisation gréco turque: l'image du Turc chez les réfugiés grecs de Turquie, avant l923, Colloque d'Histoire socio culturelle, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. September 25 26, 1975. (This symposium was reviewed by Fernand Ouellet in Social History, (Ottawa), May 1976, pp. 5 10).

24  La conférence balkanique d'Athènes, Radio Canada, Montréal, February l, 1976.

25  National Socialism in Greece, 17th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, Canada, February 25 29, 1976.

26  International Organizations and the Greek Dictatorship, 1967 - 1974. Commentator, 17th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, Canada, February 25 29, 1976.

27  National socialisme en Roumanie et en Grèce: essai de comparaison, Research seminar, Department of History, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,  Canada, March 11, 1976.

28  Le problème chypriote, Institute of International Cooperation (IIC), Ottawa, Canada, April 7, 1976.

29  La Grèce et la Turquie, alliés des Etats Unis, face au conflit israélo-arabe, symposium organized by the Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation européennes de l'Université de Montréal and by the Centre d'Etude des Relations Internationales de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques de Paris, Montréal, Canada April 23 24, 1976.

30  Western and Chinese Traditional Thinking and Mao Tse tung Thought, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, February 4, 1977.

31  Chinese and Ancient Greek Thought, Deree College (American University of Athens), Athens, Greece, October 2, 1977.

32  The Failure of Eurocommunism in Greece, Symposium organized by Trent University and the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, March 28, 1980.

33  Greek Turkish Relations and the Cyprus Conflict, Mediterranean V International Conference, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 5 7 August, 1980.

34  The Greek Turkish War, 1919 1922, Parnassos Cultural Society, Ottawa, February 20, 1981.

35  Bulgarian Foreign Policy, 1919 1941, Carleton University Symposium on Bulgarian History, Ottawa, March 20, 198l.

36  Bulgaria in Balkan History between the Two World Wars, First Congress on Bulgarian Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 23  June 3, 1981.

37  The Turkish  Greek War, 1919 1922, in World Perspective, International Ataturk Conference, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 9 13, 1981.

38  Contemporary Politics in Greece, 1974 1981, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 24, 1981.

39  Considerations on the History of Turkey, 1900 1950, Six public lectures, International Institute of Free Studies, Athens, Greece, November 13 16 27 30, December 11, 14, 1981.

40  Turkish Greek Relations and the Megali Idea, Turkish Cultural Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey, December 19, 1981.

41  Cyprus 1955 1959: Development of a Third World Consciousness and the Impact on Greece, Second International Congress of Cypriot Studies, Nicosia, Cyprus, 20 25 April 1982.

42  Greek Turkish History after Kemal and Venizelos, and Greek Turkish History since the Cyprus Question,+ two public lectures International Institute of Free Studies, Athens, Greece, May 26 and June 2, 1986.

43  Conflicting Conceptions of Detente in a Period of East West Tension, International Conference on NATO in the 1980's, Turkish Political and Social Studies Foundation (SISAV), Istanbul, Turkey, October 4 6, 1982.

44  Atatürk, as a Historical Leader of the Third World, Institute for International Development and Co operation, Ottawa, Canada, February 22, 1984.

45  The Greeks in the Ottoman Empire, Cultural Foundation, Sparta, Greece, April 25, 1985.

46  1977: The Failure of Eurocommunism in Greece, The Greek Foundation for Traditional Studies' Ninth International Conference, Athens, Greece, June 2 5, 1985.

47  The Parliamentary Debates of the Republic of Cyprus: A Neglected Source for the Study of Greek Turkish Relations, Ninth International Symposium of the Modern Greek Studies Association of North America, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, November 7 l0, 1985.

48  The Opposition of Greek Synthetic Thought to Western Divisive Thought of the Renaissance, World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion,Bombay, India, January 9 12, 1986.

49  L'internationalisme: analyse du phénomène, Ottawa, Cablevision and Skyline TV: Tele Campus, February 14, 17, 18, and 20, 1986.

50  The Superpowers and Third World Ideology, Rotary Club, Ottawa, March 26, 1986.

51  L'espace ottoman dans l'esprit de Charles de Moüy, dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, The Canadian Historical Association, 65th Annual Meeting, University of Manitoba, Canada, June 7, 1986.

52  The Ottoman Empire as Seen from the West, 1878 1914,  Trent University History Conference, Peterborough, Ont., Canada, December 5, 1986.

53  Regional Federalism: The Efforts towards a Greek Turkish Confederation, World Federalists of Canada, Ottawa, January 25, 1987.

54  Le degré de puissance de l'Empire ottoman, au cours de la première guerre mondiale Table ronde sur la Moyenne Puissance, Université du Maine Le Mans, 9 11 mars 1987.

55  Les Turcs et la mer Égée: essai de géohistoire, Colloque international, Turquie Moyen Orient  Marché Commun+, organisé conjointement par les Universités de Haute Bretagne et de Picardie, Chantilly (France), 15 17 septembre 1987.

56  La perception de la puissance ottomane par l'Occident, conférence, Institut d'Études turques, Université de Paris, 12 mars 1987.

57  The Great Famine of 1941-42 in Greece, Parnassos Cultural Society, Ottawa, 4 November 1988.

58  The Intermediate Region, Hellenoturkism and the Present Day Situation+, Cultural Association Rizes, Limassol (Cyprus), 19 December 1988 and Orthodox Ecclesiastical Conference, Limassol (Cyprus), 20 December 1988.

59  Cyprus Second Workshop 10-11 February 1989, Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, Ottawa.

60  The Greeks in the Ottoman Empire, Greek Radio Network, 1st Program, Athens, Greece, 9 and 12 January 1989.

61  Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses -Réseau de télévision TVA, Ottawa, Canada, 17 February 1989.

62  The Cyprus Dispute, 2 lectures, University of Western Ontario, London (Ontario), 8 March 1989.

63  Orthodox Tradition in Greek - Turkish History, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 12 and 19 November and 17 December 1989, 3 hours.

64  The Third Ideology and Greek Orthodoxy, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 13 May, 1990, 1 hour.

65  Greece in Europe, Goulandri-Horn Institute, Athens, Greece, 16 May 1990.

66  The Athenians, panel, Greek Television Channel Antenna 1, Athens, Greece, 19 May 1990, 1 hour.

67  The true Mao Tse-tung, The Greek-Chinese Association, Athens, 30 May 1990.

68  Le concept ottoman de relations internationales et le service diplomatique ottoman au XIXe siècle, Comité international des Etudes préottomanes et ottomanes (CIEPO), 9th symposium, Jerusalem, Israel, 23-26 July 1990.

69  The Relation between Politics and Religion, School of International Relations, Tehran (Iran), 11 December 1990.

70  The Spreading of Western Satanism in Islamic and Orthodox Societies, First International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam, Athens, Greece, 15-17 December 1990 (also session chairman).

71  Relations between Fascism and Orthodoxy -National Research Foundation, Athens, Greece, 17 December 1990.

72  State and Church in Eastern Christianity, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 17 December 1990, 1 hour, and 20 December 1990, 2 hour.

73  Greek Politics and Religion, Greek Radio Network, 1st Program, Athens, Greece, 20 December 1990.

74  The Third Ideology and Orthodoxy, 9.84FM Greek Radio Station, Athens, Greece, 10 January and 13 January 1991.

75  Turkish-Greek Rapprochement and the Aegean Sea, Round Table (Hilton Hotel), Ankara, Turkey, 14 December 1991.

76  "The Kurtulus and the Turkish Help to the Starving Population of Greece, in 1941-1942", 50th Anniversary Seminar, Istanbul, Turkey, 21 February 1992.

77  "Greek Politics and the Ideology of PASOK", Public Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 17 March 1992.

78  "The Results of the Second Davos Turkish-Greek Summit Meeting", Goethe Institute German Cultural Centre, Izmir, Turkey, 25 March 1992.

79  "Post-Second Davos International Situation in Eastern Mediterranean", Public Conference, Faculty of Political Science, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey, 17 April 1992.

80  "The Theoretical Bases of Greek Orthodox Fundamentalism", Public Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey, 22 April, 1992.

81 "My 13 Point Fascist Model", Public Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 27 April, 1992.

82  "Relations internationales ottomanes", Public Conference, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 April 1992.

83  "Jean-Jacques Rousseau between Christianity and Islam", Public Conference, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, 30 April, 1992.

84  "Faith as Seen by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and its Impact on Westernized Third World Societies", Second International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam, Athens, Greece, 5 8 May 1992. (also session chairman).

85  "Orthodoxy and Islam", Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 7 May 1992, 1 hour.

86  "The Macedonian Problem", Radio Sky National Network, Athens, Greece, 9 May 1992, 1 hour.

87  "Greek-Turkish World", Radio Sky National Network, Athens, Greece, 16 and 23 May 1992, 2 hour each time.

88  "Hellenoturkism", Radio Sky National Network, Athens, Greece, 11,18 and 25 July, 1 and 8 August 1992, 2 hour each time.

89  "Orthodox Unity and its Foes", 93.4 FM Radio, Sparta, Greece, 1 hour, 4 August 1992. Text reproduced in Sparta's daily, Spartiatika Nea, 6 August 1992.

90  "Turkey's Alevis", Radio Sky National Network, Athens, Greece, 15 August 1992, 2 hour.

91  China, the Mandate of Heaven, Canadian Mediterranean Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 21 October 1992.

92  Vaishnavism in the Contemporary World, ISKCON, Ottawa, December 5, 1992.

93  The Problem of Bosnia Herzegovina: a series of interviews given in Belgrade, Serbia, from 18 to 24 August 1993, to the following media : Mrs. Slavica Marjanovic (Radio Belgrade), Mr. Bora Erdelian (newspaper Politika), Mrs. Nadia Tomic (newspaper Politika Express), Mrs. Vukica Vujoshevic (newpaper Vechernje Novosti, 23 August 1993).

94  L'avenir du nationalisme. Public lecture, Cercle Jeune Nation, Montreal, 15 May 1993.

95  The Encirclement of Turkey, Greek Television Channel Telecity, Athens, Greece, 6 July 1993, l hour.

96  Neo-Nazism, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 4 July 1993, 3 hours.

97  Hellenism of the Diaspora, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 24 and 31 July 1993, 2 hours.

98  Nationalism-Internationalism-Federalism, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 28 August 1993, 1 hour.

99  The Question of Monarchy and Greek Foreign Policy, Greek Radio Antenna of Southern Greece, 11 August 1993, l hour. Text reproduced in Sparta's daily, Spartiatika Nea, 17 August 1993, pp. 1 and 5, under the title : Stratêgikê anaptyxê : Hoi scheseis Hellados-Tourkias (Strategic Development : The Relations between Greece and Turkey).

100  The Kurdish Problem in Turkey, Cyprus TV. Channel *Ho Logos+, 10 November 1993.

101  18th Century Industrial Revolution, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, Canada, 10 February 1994.

102  "Les causes du conflit yougoslave actuel", Public Lecture, Cercle Jeune Nation, Montreal, 12 March 1994.

103  "The Macedonian Problem in the 1930s", Centre d'Etudes grecques de Montréal, 9th Annual Symposium, Montreal, 22 May 1994.

104  "Alevism in the Greek-Turkish World", International Congress of Turkish Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-26 June 1994.

105  "Alevism as a Link between Orthodoxy and Islam", Third International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam, Tehran, Iran, 17-19 September 1994.

106  "Greek-Iranian Theological Dialogue", Greek Orthodox Radio Network, 1 hour, Athens, 29 September 1994.

107  "La Méditerranée : culture ou héritage", Canadian  Mediterranean Institute, Ottawa, 12 October 1994.

108  "Using Photohistory for the Writing of History", The Writing of History : A Conference on Approaches,Methodologies and Sources, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,28-29 January 1995.

109  "The Veil in Traditional Mediterranean Societies", Women in Muslim Societies, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, 6 March 1995.

110  "Fundamentalism : The Causes of its Spreading in Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism", Women in Muslim  Societies, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, 14 March 1995.

111  "Les groupes fascistes au Canada", Radio Canada(CHFA), Edmonton, Alberta, 16 May 1995.

112  "Multiculturalism in the Ottoman Empire : The Alevi Religious and Cultural Community", XVIIIe Congrès mondial des Sciences historiques. Commission d=Histoire  des  Relations internationales.Colloque de Montréal, 1st-2nd September 1995.

113  "History and the Revelation of St. John@. Panel on Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, Greece, 24 September 1995, 2 hours.

114  The Byzantine Churches of Mystra and the Archeological Service of Laconia, Hellas-TV, Sparta, Greece, 31 August 1995, 1 hour & 30 minutes.

115  The Crisis in the Aegean Sea, Tele-City Greek Television, Athens, Greece,7 September 1995, half hour.

116  Nationalism and Religion in Relation with the Project of a Greek-Turkish Confederation, International Press Centre, Brussels, Belgium. Conference organized by Kyklos, 16 January 1996.

117  La religion de l'alévisme, Institut d'Etudes turques. Université des Sciences humaines de Strasbourg, France, 17 janvier 1996.

118  L'idée d'une confédération gréco-turque, dans le cadre actuel de l'Union européenne,Forum Conférences, Nancy, France, 18 janvier 1996.

119  Greek-Turkish Relations, Greek Television Channel Teletora, Athens, 25 January 1996, 1 hour

120  Greeks and Alevis, Syllogos Alatsatianôn-Alaçati, Athens, 28 January 1996.

121  Henry Kissinger and the Aegean Crisis,Greek Television Channel Teletora, Athens, 31 January 1996, 1 hour.

122  Crisis in the Aegean, Greek Orthodox Radio Network,Athens, 2 February 1996, 1 hour.

123  Hellenism and Anti-Westernism, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, 3 February 1996, 1 hour.

124  The Orthodox Church in Canada, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens,14 February 1996, 1 hour.

125  The Greek Presence in the Balkans, University of Athens, Public lecture, 14 March 1996.

126  Turkish Greeks between Greece and Turkey, Pneumatiko Kentro Kônstantinoupolitôn, Athens, 27 March 1996.

127  Alevism, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, 29 March and 5 April 1996, 2 hours.

128  The Military Intervention of 21 April 1967 in Greek Politics, Greek Television Channel Teletora, Athens, 5 April 1996, 2 hours.

129  "The 1919-1923 Paris and Lausanne Peace Conferences= Stand on Cyprus and its Turkish Nationalist Interpretation", Third International Congress of Cypriot Studies, Nicosia, Cyprus, 16-20 April 1996.

130  The Foreign Policy of Romeosyne,Seminar on Foreign Policy, organized by Rizes, Kinêma Politismou, Limassol, Cyprus, 21 April 1996.

131  Hellênotourkika, Eurôpaïkê Hetaireia Epistêmonôn Kallitechnôn Athens, 10 May, 1996.

132  Kurds in Turkey, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, 28 April and 12 May 1996, 2 hours.

133  Greeks and Turks : History and Present, Rizareios Theological School, Athens, 19 May 1996.

134  Greece and Global Economy, Tele-City Greek Television, Athens,19 May 1996, half hour.

135  Greece and Turkey on the Eve of the 21st Century : The Project of a Greek-Turkish Confederation in the Eastern Mediterranean Context, International Colloquium : Between North and South. The Mediterranean on the Eve of the 21st Century, Tel Aviv University-The Morris E. Curiel Center for International Studies, 2-5 June 1996.

136  Monasticism, Greek Orthodox Radio Network, Athens, 9 June 1996, 2 hours.

137  Turkey in Crisis, Greek Television Channel Teletora, Athens, 14 June and 26 July 1996.

138  Hellenotourkika, Tele-City Greek Television, Athens, 19 February, 1st April, 14 June and 26 July 1996.

139  The Domestic Side of Greek-Turkish Relations@, Radio Athens, 27 July 1996, 2 hours.

140  The Cyprus Crisis, Radio Athens, 12 and 15 August 1996.

141  Le terrorisme en Algérie, Radio Canada-CBON,10 February 1997.

142  Women in Christian and Muslim Families, Fourth International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam, Athens, 12-13 November 1997. (This paper was covered by the Iranian press in Tehran).

143  Irak-Iran and International Developments, Greek Television Channel Teletora, Athens, 14 November 1997, 1 hour.

144  L'idéologie politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau,12e Rencontre annuelle du Centre Interuniversitaire d'Etudes québécoises de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières et du département d'Histoire de l'Université d'Ottawa, Trois-Rivières,20-21 mars 1998.

Dimitri Kitsikis University of Ottawa curriculum vitae, up to 1998

University of Ottawa Kitsikis curriculum vitae, up to 1998

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